Cartoon Tuesday: More Car (Company) Trouble


Cartoonist Mark Fiore has more fun with Detroit this week. Click through for what to do when your car company breaks down.

We’ve noticed that, in the midst of all the Big Three bashing, some are wondering how white-collar institutions like Citigroup can secure so much money from the feds while the blue-collar-employing automakers are made to beg. Here’s Leo W. Gerard of the Huffington Post expounding an increasingly popular meme:

The message here could not be more clear: Washington will bailout out
those who shower before work but not those who shower afterwards.

Detroit is a place where workers are unionized; Wall Street is not. And
right-wing Republicans and conservative pundits have made it clear they
want the union workers to suffer. They want federal aid denied to the
Big Three so that the firms go bankrupt. Then the companies can renege
on pensions they guaranteed to retirees and can break salary and
benefit promises to workers in current contracts.

Are union sympathies driving the backlash against the backlash? Or could it be some sort of Jedi mind trick perpetrated by seemingly hapless Detroit?


Cartoon Tuesday: Beware of the Ouchies

After reading about a new Pew Poll that found 88 percent of Americans believe they can’t live without a car, I couldn’t help thinking of this cartoon from John Akre — who also gave us Cars for Hats. Car dependence has never looked so terrifying.

Cartoon Tuesday: Captain Car-Free

Today is World Carfree Day, and though we somehow let it slip by us, NotionsCapital reappropriated this classic comic to promote events down DC way. They’re not super heroes per se, but in the livable streets universe, David Byrne, Janette Sadik-Khan and Paul Steely White are about as close as they come. You can catch […]