HarperCollins Adds Employee Bike Parking in Midtown

Details are vague, but it looks like we can add book publisher HarperCollins to the list of New York companies providing bike parking. This office memo came in today over the tipwire:

As we continue to integrate HarperGreen into our workplace, we are excited to announce that New York employees are invited to join the new bicycle rack program, located at our 10 East 53rd Street building.

Participating employees will be allowed to park their bikes in a designated area during work hours. Due to building limitations, we have only a few slots, so this program will rotate on a monthly schedule to allow anyone interested to participate.

With the Bikes in Buildings Bill still in limbo at City Hall, it’s nice to see another employer stepping up of its own accord. 


This Friday: Bicycle Access Law Takes Effect

Bicycles inside Silverstein Properties’ 7 World Trade Center. Photo: Transportation Alternatives. It’s been almost 120 days since the Bicycle Access Bill was signed into law, which means that this Friday, December 11, the law will actually take effect. If you work in an office building (with a freight elevator) where bikes are currently banned, you’ll […]

You Don’t Ride a Bike to a Corporate Office Building

New York cyclists know that corporate office buildings are often not the friendliest places for bike commuters. Lynette Chang, a.k.a. "The Gal From Down Under," has been recording her attempts to enter Manhattan office towers with her folding bike. In this video she dresses up nicely, folds her bike neatly and tries to visit the […]

Does Times Real Estate VP’s “Joke” Betray Anti-Bike Bias?

In December, Streetsblog reported on the lack of bicycle parking in the new New York Times Building, despite promises to bike-commuting staff that there would be space inside. We talked to several Times employees who said that after initially being allowed to bring their bikes in, they were suddenly denied entry. A months-long standoff of […]