It’s Elementary: Kids Offer Livable Streets Advice to 44


As seen on this weekend’s Uptown Treasures tour: At the American Academy of Arts and Letters in Washington Heights, K-5 students from Hamilton Heights Academy and P.S. 28 (along with at least one parent or guardian) added a livable streets flavor to the "If I Were President" display.




"If I were president there would be a no car day. If any cars droven on no car day that driver will get a fine and no car day will prevent less gas problem!"



From the adult contributions.


Naturally, some ideas were better than others.

Photos: Brad Aaron 


Livable Streets Group Makes Pitch to CB12 Tonight

Upper Manhattanites plotted their street improvements on a map for tonight’s meeting with CB12. A few weeks ago my colleague Brad Aaron wrote about the ways Inwood residents are making great use of the groups feature on the Livable Streets Network. Tonight, the group Inwood and Washington Heights Livable Streets is taking its ideas to […]

CB12 Committee Hot for Parking, Cautious on Livable Streets

To increase the number of spots, angled parking may be coming to both sides of Dyckman Street. The Traffic and Transportation Committee of Community Board 12 last night welcomed new bike racks in Upper Manhattan, but took a pass on endorsing other livable streets initiatives, including a separated bike path on Dyckman/200th Street that would […]

CB12 Committee Asks DOT for Dyckman Greenway Connector Study

Nine months after Inwood residents first proposed a physically separated bike lane for Dyckman/200th Street, connecting the east- and west-side Greenways, this week the Community Board 12 Traffic and Transportation Committee approved a resolution calling for DOT to "test the feasibility" of such a project. CB12 action was considered necessary to gain the involvement of […]

Tonight: Two Chances to Turn Out for Safer Manhattan Streets

There are two opportunities tonight to get behind livable streets efforts in Manhattan. Among the items on Community Board 8’s October agenda is a resolution in support of protected bike lanes on the Upper East Side. As we heard from Transportation Alternatives yesterday, neighborhood involvement has propelled this once-unlikely measure to this point, and friendly […]

Share Your Outreach Strategies

Cantor Benjamin Kintisch When starting a new Livable Streets campaign people will often ask us, "How do I connect with others in my neighborhood and build a working group?" Cantor Benjamin Kintisch is facing this familiar concern in Harlem and Hamilton Heights, and this time we’re putting the question to you. If you’ve had success […]

Wednesday: Public Meeting With NYPD About Upper Manhattan Lawless Driving

Tomorrow night, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer will join the Community Board 12 Public Safety Committee and NYPD officials for a public meeting on out-of-control drivers in Inwood and Washington Heights. Motorcycles confiscated by the 34th Precinct in Upper Manhattan. Photo: Manhattan Times Reckless driving isn’t new or unique to Upper Manhattan, of course, but […]