Streetfilms: Wikis Take Manhattan

On Saturday, teams of camera-wielding contestants hit the streets for Wikis Take Manhattan, a photo scavenger hunt for StreetsWiki and Wikipedia. Robin Urban Smith and Clarence Eckerson, Jr. were there to catch the action for Streetfilms.


Streetfilms: Scenes From Summer Streets

Saturday was the second of three Summer Streets this August, with car-free streets along Park Avenue and Lafayette Street from 72nd Street to the Brooklyn Bridge. Couldn’t make it yourself? Clarence Eckerson Jr. from Streetfilms, as always, has got you covered. Clarence says he was particularly struck by how many people pedaled the route using […]

Wiki Wednesday: Three Ten Days ‘Til Wikis Take Manhattan

Due to uncertain weather conditions, Wikis Take Manhattan has been rescheduled for Saturday, October 4. Don’t forget Saturday’s next week’s Wikis Take Manhattan photo scavenger hunt, when shutterbugs will scour the boroughs for shots to contribute to StreetsWiki and Wikipedia photo banks. Participants may compete in teams of three, with one camera and memory card […]

Wikis Take Manhattan Tomorrow!

Join us Saturday for Wikis Take Manhattan: a photo scavenger hunt for free-content images for StreetsWiki and Wikipedia. Prizes include Eye-Fi memory cards, which automatically upload photos from your camera to your computer and to sites like Flickr. Here’s video from last year’s event. Tomorrow’s hunt coincides with Open House New York weekend, where you […]

It’s On: Wikis Take Manhattan Tomorrow

After last week’s weather delay, Wikis Take Manhattan is set for Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Wikis Take Manhattan is a photo scavenger hunt in which teams will fan out across the boroughs to collect shots for StreetsWiki and Wikipedia entries. Participants can begin the hunt from either of two locations: Columbia University (at the sundial […]