Anyone Biking Over the Brooklyn Bridge With a Camera This Evening?

A truck fire has shut down the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway in both directions around DUMBO and Brooklyn Heights. I just biked back to Brooklyn from the Open Planning Project office in Lower Manhattan and, wow!, I have never seen a traffic jam as bad as the one that is currently underway in and around Downtown Brooklyn. From the Brooklyn Bridge, down Adams Street, into Boerum Hill, along 3rd and 4th Avenues, up Union Street into Park Slope — virtually every intersection is gridlocked, drivers are pissed out of their minds and the horn honking is unbelievable. A fender bender on the BQE has, it seems, shut down a good portion of New York City’s automobile transportation system.

If anyone happens to be biking home over the Brooklyn Bridge with a digital camera, snap a few photos for us. If ever there was an advertisement for bike commuting and mass transit, this is it. 


The New Plan to Connect Downtown Brooklyn to Its Waterfront

Starting in the 1930s, entire city blocks in Brooklyn Heights, Downtown Brooklyn, and DUMBO were razed for expressways and parks. Today, this jumble of on-ramps and disconnected green space separates Brooklyn’s waterfront from its downtown core. A new public-private initiative, called “The Brooklyn Strand,” seeks to knit these disjointed areas back together. On Monday evening, Claire Weisz […]

Get Ready For a Very Uncomfortable Year on the Brooklyn Bridge

Just as the weather warms and tourists once again mob the Brooklyn Bridge to admire the skyline and snap some photos, DOT has announced that construction work will narrow the one place on the bridge path that’s even remotely close to comfortably wide. The maintenance work involves “steel improvements at tower locations as well as structural joint […]

Brooklyn Bridge Promenade Expansion Could Start in 2019

An expansion of the Brooklyn Bridge walking and biking path could get underway by 2019 if it’s folded into a rehab project that’s already in the pipeline, DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg said this afternoon. The path is as narrow as 10 feet at pinch points and cannot comfortably accommodate the thousands of people who use it each […]