Cartoon Tuesday: Who’s Gonna Keep You Supplied, Man?


From cartoonist Mark Fiore comes this animation of a hyperactive Ziploc baggy. Before clicking through to see why it’s so amped up, here’s some suggested reading from the New York Times:

Sex, Drug Use and Graft Cited in Interior Department

Frustration in the South as a Gasoline Shortage Drags On

Enjoy the afternoon and Shana Tovah to everyone ringing in the new year.


Cartoon Tuesday: Outmoded

From Dick Locher of the Chicago Tribune comes a cartoon complement to Judith Warner’s essay in the Times last Friday, declaring that SUVs have outlived any "utility" owners may once have derived from them.

Cartoon Tuesday: Add It Up

Related on Streetsblog: The Case for Active Transportation, by the Numbers Shaping the 2009 Transpo Debate: Rockefeller Foundation’s Nick Turner Nobelist Krugman Joins Call for Federal Transportation Spending Transportation for America Launches Legislative Campaign Cartoon by Andy Singer