“Traffic” Author Tom Vanderbilt on Leonard Lopate Today at Noon

how_we_driveAuthor Tom Vanderbilt will be on Leonard Lopate at noon today, WNYC, 93.9 FM. Streetsbloggers will want to tune in.

Vanderbilt takes all of the geeky and arcane transportation studies that we love to bandy about here on Streetsblog — induced demand, shared space, modal bias, you name it —  he puts them together in one place, filters through the traffic engineering and academic jargon, and the result is Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (And What it Says About Us). It’s a book that deepens our understanding of car culture, transportation policy and human pscychology and belongs on the shelf next to Holly Whyte, Vukan Vuchic, Robert Caro, Donald Shoup, Jan Gehl and that Contested Streets DVD that you still need to invite some friends over to watch with you.

From Lopate’s web site:

Americans spend almost as much time driving as they do eating. Tom Vanderbilt, author of Traffic,
explains why we drive the way we do – from road rage, to the psychology
of traffic jams – and tells us what our driving habits reveal about us. 

Vanderbilt has already done Fresh Air with Terry Gross if you want to catch that as well.


Tom Vanderbilt Dissects “The ‘E’ Word”

Image: Reclaim In the latest issue of TA’s Reclaim, "Traffic" author Tom Vanderbilt revisits the May New York Magazine profile of Janette Sadik-Khan, and its portrayal of projects like car-free Broadway as tributes to the city’s oft-mythologized non-driving "elite." Vanderbilt’s piece, entitled "The ‘E’ Word," deconstructs what he considers one of the most "abused word[s] […]

Municipal Arts Society Today on WNYC, 12 noon

TODAY: WNYC, The Leonard Lopate Show WNYC, 820 AM/93.9FM12 NOON Guests:Kent Barwick, president of the Municipal Arts Society (MAS), and Stuart Pertz, a member of the panel at MAS’s forum on Atlantic Yards, where the group concluded that "Forest City Ratner’s current plan won’t work for Brooklyn." Photo: MAS Public Forum in Brooklyn, June 15, […]

This Week: Preview Plans for a Car-Free Vanderbilt Avenue

On Wednesday, the Department of City Planning is scheduled to present a preliminary proposal to upzone a sizable swath of Midtown East to Manhattan Community Board 5. The Bloomberg administration wants to modernize area building stock in tandem with the development of the Second Avenue Subway and the East Side Access project connecting the Long […]

Reinventing Grand Army Plaza on Lopate Tomorrow

More and more, we’re seeing grassroots, community-driven Livable Streets project gaining traction on the citywide level. Here’s another example of just that: Tomorrow, Tupper Thomas of the Prospect Park Alliance and Deborah Marton of the Design Trust for Public Space will be discussing the Reinventing Grand Army Plaza project on "The Leonard Lopate Show." Tune […]