McCain: Drilling Is the Cure for What Ails U.S.

The Gas Tax Holiday may have petered out, but John McCain still has a lot of petroleum-based populism left in the tank. His latest campaign ad, "Pump," primes the audience with a little wishful thinking.

"Gas prices — $4, $5, no end in sight," a voice intones, "because some in Washington are still saying no to drilling in America. No to independence from foreign oil. Who can you thank for rising prices at the pump?" An image of Obama floats across the screen in response, as a crowd chants his name.

While it’s easy to refute the "Drill Now!" argument, even on strictly economic terms, the There Will Be Blood contingent figures to be quite sizable this election season. Ersatz moderate David Brooks, for one, seems impressed by McCain’s energy platform, which he praised in a column last week:

The high point of his campaign, so far, has been his energy policy, which is comprehensive and bold, but does not try to turn us into a nation of bicyclists. It does not view America’s energy-intense economy as a sign of sinfulness.

Sinfulness? Forget moral judgments. An honest policy assessment would recognize that a less "energy-intense" transportation infrastructure will go a long way toward reducing the economic pain of "rising prices at the pump."


Energy Policy Straight Talk From Elizabeth Kolbert

Back in his Straight Talkin’ days Senator John McCain acknowledged that offshore drilling wasn’t a viable solution for America’s energy troubles. In 2003, he broke with the Bush Administration and co-introduced legislation to reduce carbon emissions, by, in effect, imposing a price on them. McCain had a reputation for being a politician who told the […]

Newt Gingrich: I Vant to Suck Your Oil

Before the financial meltdown severely undercut John McCain’s presidential ambitions, his campaign was giddy over the apparent success of its energy policy message: Drill, baby, drill! It is, after all, a simple sounding solution that appeals to politicians in love with the quick fix, oil companies desperate for access to new sources, and auto-dependent Americans, […]

Sarah Palin, Transit Advocate?

John McCain may not be big on public transportation, but as mayor of a small town in Alaska, his running mate Sarah Palin secured millions in federal earmarks for rail and bus projects. The Washington Post reports that during Palin’s two terms as mayor of Wasilla, when it had a population of 6,700, the town […]

Q Poll Finds Americans Opposed to Gas Tax “Holiday”

For what it’s worth, a Quinnipiac poll released today again shows that Americans aren’t buying into the Clinton-McCain gas tax "holiday" gimmick. By a 49 – 41 percent margin, American voters say eliminating the federal gas tax for the summer is a bad idea… Republicans split 45 – 46 percent on the gas tax ‘holiday,’ […]

Sign a Petition to Clinton and McCain at

Man, those Nigerian spammers are getting better every day. Here is a curious piece of e-mail that landed in the Streetsblog inbox today. If you click the link at the bottom of the e-mail and visit this web site, you’ll find an open letter to Senators Hillary Clinton and John McCain that you can […]