Williamsburg Walks: Volunteer Orientation Tonight

Brooklyn’s Bedford Avenue will be going car-free for four Saturdays this summer. If you want to be a part of making the event happen, Billburg.com invites you to a "Williamsburg Walks" volunteer
orientation session tonight

Boricua College
186 N. 6th St. (bet. Bedford & Driggs Aves.)


RSVPs are encouraged, but not mandatory. RSVP to williamsburgwalks [at] billburg [dot] com

Afterwards, everyone will head over to Teddy’s Back Room, 96
Berry Street, for more informal discussion and planning. 


Williamsburg Walks: Opening Up Bedford Avenue

Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg Brooklyn was de-motorized and opened to the public this Saturday for a new event called Williamsburg Walks. Streetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson was there and he’s already churned out a nice three-and-a-half minute video to give you a sense of the event. If you want to check out Williamsburg Walks for yourself, you […]

Summer Streets Coming to Brooklyn This Weekend

Enjoying car-free Bedford Ave. during Williamsburg Walks 2008. Photo: acsweet/Flickr After today’s rain clears out, it looks to be a beautiful weekend for two Summer Streets events in Brooklyn. Starting tomorrow, Bedford Avenue from North 4th to North 9th Street will be open to pedestrians only on six Saturdays from noon to sunset. This year’s […]

Williamsburg Walks Doubles Foot Traffic on Bedford Avenue

Transportation Alternatives has been measuring the effect of Williamsburg Walks, the car-free street event on Bedford Avenue, and look what they found: Foot traffic on Bedford Avenue was 96% higher than the average Saturday, based on pedestrian counts. The number of children and seniors using the street also increased. And because so much more space […]

Bedford Avenue to Go Car-Free Four Saturdays This Summer

Brooklynites fretting that their borough would be excluded from this summer’s car-free fun can rest easy. For four consecutive Saturdays beginning on July 19, Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg will be closed to cars from Metropolitan Avenue to North Ninth Street from noon to 7 p.m. "Williamsburg Walks" is spearheaded by Billburg.com in association with neighborhood […]

Williamsburg Walks in the Rain

My friend Jonathan and I loaded up our 70 pounds-worth of pre-schoolers into the "Batmobike" on Sunday and headed over to Williamsburg Walks. My brother Abe joined us as well. Ominous looking clouds were rolling in from the west as we left Park Slope around noon. By the time we hit Fort Greene the rain […]