Ikea Tests Bike-Share in Denmark. Why Not NYC?

Responding to yesterday’s post on Ikea shuttle buses causing a stir in Cobble Hill and Carroll Gardens, Streetsblog commenter Lee Watkins reminds us of the company’s Danish bike-share program. As previously noted here, Copenhagenize has the scoop:

IKEA of Denmark is now starting a new concept at their Danish stores. They did a bit of market research and found that roughly 20% of their customers rode their bikes to the stores – even though most of them are located outside the cities in large commerical centres – some call them Big Box Districts – which are located outside the city centre.

IKEA has invested in Velorbis bikes, at a couple of their stores, that will pull trailers so that customers can ride home with the new purchases.

According to Copenhagenize, two Ikea stores outside the city — one of them located 12 miles away — feature bikes and trailers for rent. The Velorbis web site says the bikes are offered for use at no cost (Treehugger puts the deposit at $100 US). As remote as many New Yorkers may consider Red Hook to be, it isn’t exactly a suburb, yet Ikea chose to make room for 1,400+ cars there while forgoing bike accommodations altogether. What gives?

If it works in Denmark, Ikea will reportedly be exporting its bike rental program to other countries. Let’s hope Brooklyn is considered urban enough for the company to give it a try here in the States. (Confidential to Ikea: these folks would probably be happy to hear from you.)

Photo: Velorbis


Eyes on the Street: Red Hook Ikea Parking Lot Opens for Business

We hate to pile on more bad news today, but these tipster-submitted photos of the Brooklyn Ikea grand opening bear witness to the onslaught of traffic about to engulf Red Hook. Apparently, the cars queuing up for cheaply-constructed furniture are stretching the store’s 1,400 parking spaces to the max (which would explain why Ikea thought […]

Holiday Bonus for U.K. Ikea Employees: 9,000 Free Bikes

The Independent (UK) reports: Ikea, the Swedish retail chain, showed its green credentials yesterday by giving all 9,000 of its UK workers a free bicycle.  The store handed out the £139 fold-up bike and offered a 15 per cent subsidy on public transport at its Christmas breakfast.The bicycle is the store’s second high-profile green gesture […]

Wiki Wednesday: Bike Boxes

This StreetsWiki entry is rounding into encyclopedic form quite nicely. Andy Hamilton, DianaD (who also brought us the VMT entry last week) and Streetsblog’s own Aaron Naparstek have been piecing together a detailed look at the history and effectiveness of bike boxes: With nearly 40% of daily commuter trips taken by bike, Copenhagen, Denmark is […]

Are Bikes the Secret to Danish Bliss?

Seeking an answer to the question "Why are Danes happier than everyone else?," ABC News speculates that trust and bicycles make all the difference: In Denmark, you can see trust in action all around you. Vegetable stands run on the honor system, mothers leave babies unattended in strollers outside cafés, and most bicycles are left […]