“My Next Vehicle Will Be a Bicycle”


Like media outlets everywhere, CNNMoney.com is reporting with greater frequency on rising fuel prices, with headlines like "Six fixes for pricey gasoline" and "Bad news for Detroit: Miles per gallon." In a recent online poll, the financial website asked a question that is surely on the minds of many Americans: "The next vehicle I buy will be…?" In the non-random sample of 42,275 respondents, more people said they are leaning towards a bike than a truck or SUV.

Sure, this poll is totally un-scientific, its results not a reliable indicator that bike makers should ramp up production. Nevertheless, it is a signpost for everyone wondering whether bicycles are creeping into the mainstream consciousness as a practical solution to rising fuel prices. When a major national news outlet starts including human-powered vehicles in its polls, I think the answer is yes.


National Poll: Americans Expect Gas Prices to Rise More

Fifteen Percent Live Near Convenient Transit Options By a margin greater than four to one, Americans think the price of gas is more likely to hit $5 per gallon than drop to $3 per gallon, according to poll results released last week by Survey USA. With a rash of stories about how drivers are changing […]

Think New York Needs Complete Streets? Take the PBS Poll

Complete streets legislation remains a top priority for street safety advocates in Albany, and PBS ran a nice feature last week on the issue. It starts at the 4:45 minute mark in this clip. The program, New York NOW, has also made complete streets the subject of their weekly poll, and the two choices lay […]

Q Poll Finds Americans Opposed to Gas Tax “Holiday”

For what it’s worth, a Quinnipiac poll released today again shows that Americans aren’t buying into the Clinton-McCain gas tax "holiday" gimmick. By a 49 – 41 percent margin, American voters say eliminating the federal gas tax for the summer is a bad idea… Republicans split 45 – 46 percent on the gas tax ‘holiday,’ […]

Leaving Cars Behind, Seniors Find Streets Inhospitable

A recent poll conducted by AARP finds that Americans over the age of 50 are cutting down on car trips due to rising gas prices, but are finding public infrastructure, or lack thereof, to be an obstacle. Almost one of every three people (29%) polled say they are now walking as a way to avoid […]