Streetfilms: The Great NYC Commuter Race

You’ve read about it. You’ve analyzed it. Now see what the fuss is about. 

It’s the 7th Annual Great NYC Commuter Race, brought to you by Streetfilms.


Cycling Still Offers Quickest City Commute

To the surprise of no one — with the possible exception of Bike Snob NYC — bike commuter and social worker Jamie Favaro won Transportation Alternatives’ 7th Annual Great NYC Commuter Race this morning, completing the 4.5-mile route between Fort Greene and Union Square in 16.5 minutes. Driver Emmanuel Fuentebella came in second at 22 […]
Go Judy go.

Throwback Thursday: The Great NYC Commuter Race of 1990

Via Streetfilms, here’s a blast from the past -- kind of. For a 1990 news segment called “Environment: In Your Own Backyard,” ABC staged a commuter race between Fred the motorist, Alvin the subway rider, and Judy the cyclist. The goal: be the first to get across the Brooklyn Bridge to Herald Square.

StreetFilms Cyclist of the Month

Cyclist of the Month: Petra Kirstein A Streetfilm by Sean Clifford Running Time: 3 minutes 50 seconds When asked for advice for New Yorkers who don’t ride, Petra Kirstein says "New York is beautiful, and New York has beautiful weather. Just try it, its wonderful!" The former Transportation Alternatives staffer and life-long bike commuter rides […]

Bike, Transit or Car: Which Is the Fastest Commute?

Tomorrow Transportation Alternatives will hold the 7th Annual Great NYC Commuter Race. Three contestants — traveling by bike, transit and car — will see who has the quickest commute from Fort Greene in Brooklyn to Manhattan’s Union Square. Jamie Favaro, a social worker, plans to ride her bike to victory, "Not only does biking save […]