Responding to Criticism, Sen. Adams to Hold Transpo Meeting

Sen.AdamsBIOheadshot.jpgWe posted yesterday about proposed legislation by State Senators Eric Adams and Jeff Klein to increase summer driving by suspending tolls on bridges and tunnels, thereby leaving transit riders to pay for their largess. Soon after, Adams constituent Carrie McLaren picked up the news on her neighborhood blog, Hawthorne Street. Now Adams wants to hold a kitchen cabinet meeting about the bill:

This discussion has been so extremely motivating that I would like to
take it to the next level. In order to do so, however, we must move
from conversation to action. I am not a talker, I am a doer. Therefore,
I will open my office 572 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY (718) 284-4700,
on Saturday, June 7th, at 10:00 AM for a meeting with all those who
emailed and responded to this issue.
I have a group of educators to
assist me on educational issues, a group of medical professionals for
aid on medical issues, and a group of law enforcement personnel to help
me deal with public safety issues. I would like to extend this paradigm
and invite those of you who have great ideas on transportation issues
to join me next Saturday in an attempt to turn your suggestions into
legislation. All are welcome. If you are planning to attend, please
email me at my personal email at

We’re glad to see the senator engage the public on transportation policy. Ideally it would eventually lead to discussion at the state level on the consequences of auto dependence, especially at the expense of transit funding, as this legislation would bring about.

Still, we can’t help but notice that while Adams wants to give millions of drivers a pass on tolls, he is a supporter of a bill that would require a handful of current and former MTA board members to give up their own toll and fare privileges. We can only assume that the title of his press release on the subject, "The Free Ride Is Over," is offered without irony.


Eric Adams Proposes Downtown Brooklyn Car-Share Fleet for City Agencies

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams is open to clearing Borough Hall Plaza of parked cars, and he also wants City Hall to study a car-share system for government agencies in Downtown Brooklyn. We reported last November that Adams and his staff resumed using the plaza as a parking lot after an $11 million rehab, following the lead of his predecessor, shameless space hog Marty […]

State Senators: Let’s Get More Cars on the Road

The bad ideas from Albany show no sign of letting up. Just when you thought the push for a state gas tax holiday had died down, State Senators Jeff Klein and Eric Adams — of the Bronx and Brooklyn, respectively — roll out their own version of summertime "relief" for drivers, and it’s a doozy. […]