Bike, Transit or Car: Which Is the Fastest Commute?

IMG_0314_1.jpgTomorrow Transportation Alternatives will hold the 7th Annual Great NYC Commuter Race. Three contestants — traveling by bike, transit and car — will see who has the quickest commute from Fort Greene in Brooklyn to Manhattan’s Union Square.

Jamie Favaro, a social worker, plans to ride her bike to victory, "Not only does biking save money and keep you fit; I’m going to prove it’s the fastest way between any two points in NYC."

April Green, who works at an art foundation, is counting on the MTA to get her there first. "New York is a transit town, and my bus-subway
combo will get me to Union Square with time to spare."

Emmanuel Fuentebella, a photographer, has a sobering view of his chances as a driver. "I know the car has never won, but since gas is $4.50 a
gallon this year, don’t I deserve a break?"

To cheer on the standard-bearer for your favorite mode, come to Union Square for the 8:00 a.m. finish.

Photo: Cyclist Luci Olewinski, 2007 Great NYC Commuter Race winner


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