Eyes on the Street: A Death-Defying Walk to Prospect Park


The bloggers at Hawthorne Street put together this dandy little short — you could even call it a Streetfilm — to illustrate the dangers of crossing Ocean Avenue at the southeast entrance to Brooklyn’s Prospect Park. Cars turning onto Ocean from Parkside Avenue pose a constant threat to people in the crosswalk, even while pedestrians have a walk signal.

With the adjacent area of the park slated for a major re-design, the Hawthorne Street folks are urging the inclusion of pedestrian and bike improvements in the plan. You can help them get the message across next Monday, May 19th at 6:30 p.m., when a public hearing on the re-design will be held at Wollman Rink.

A simulation of how the Ocean and Parkside intersection could better serve pedestrians comes after the jump.

Image courtesy of Hawthorne Street


Turn Out Tonight for a Ped-Friendly Prospect Park

Last week, Hawthorne Street showed us the pedestrian nightmare that is the southeast entrance to Prospect Park at the corner of Ocean and Parkside. Tonight, livable streets advocates can help take the fear out of walking to the park and put pedestrians atop the hierarchy at this critical intersection. The Hawthorne Street bloggers have the […]

SE Prospect Park Re-Design Includes Some Restrictions on Cars

Rendering of the preliminary design for Lakeside Center in Prospect Park. A new Prospect Park skating rink and recreational facility will come with a smaller parking lot and improved bike access, reports neighborhood blog Hawthorne Street. The plan to re-design the southeast area of Brooklyn’s flagship park, unveiled at a public meeting this Monday, will […]

Safety Fix at Prospect Park Entrance Projected to Prevent 10 Injuries a Year

After years of neighborhood activism, the Department of Transportation plans to install much-needed safety improvements at the dangerous intersection of Ocean Avenue and Parkside Avenue, at the southeast corner of Prospect Park. By closing a park entrance to automobiles, DOT will simplify the intersection and shrink the space dedicated to traffic, preventing an estimated ten […]

Eyes on the Street: Scenes From Flatbush Avenue

Thanks to Ian Dutton for these great shots from Flatbush Avenue, where pedestrians are being allotted more space on five side streets from Prospect Park to Atlantic Avenue. The materials are designed to be temporary, but it’s remarkable what a little paint and plastic can accomplish. According to Ian, crossing distances at Prospect Place and […]

Eyes on the Street: Pedestrian Haven on Hanson

Courtesy of Brownstoner, here’s a recent shot of sidewalk construction between Flatbush Avenue and Hanson Place, near the Brooklyn Academy of Music. The short passage — or slip ramp, as DOT calls it — allowing cars to turn onto Hanson from Flatbush and Fourth Avenue is now closed to car traffic. This is especially good […]

Safety Fix for Prospect Park Entrance on the Agenda at CB 14 Tonight

We have a late breaking addition to the Streetsblog calendar. Tonight the transportation committee of Brooklyn Community Board 14 will be discussing DOT’s plan to add more pedestrian space and realign the intersection of Parkside Avenue and Ocean Avenue at the southeast entrance to Prospect Park [PDF]. The redesign will be made possible by relocating […]