Can Red Hook Become NYC’s Most Bike-Friendly Neighborhood?

Earlier this week, the Forum For Urban Design announced the Red Hook Bicycle Master Plan Design Competition, offering cash prizes for the best proposals to "re-imagine Red Hook as the most bicycle friendly neighborhood in all of New York."

Plans should center on the creation of a bike loft parking facility at the Smith/9th Street subway station, now scheduled for a 2010 remodeling. The Forum envisions a garage with space for at least 100 bikes, accessible to both neighborhood and visiting cyclists via "dedicated bike lanes and routes." Plans should also include feasible funding proposals.

Competition details may be found on the Forum For Urban Design web site, as well as in this video from Brian Lehrer Live, in which Lehrer interviews the Forum’s Lisa Chamberlain and Loreal Monroe while looking at a couple of Streetfilms for inspiration.

The registration deadline is June 2; submission deadline July 31.


Design Comp Winner Envisions Neighborhood Bike-Share for Red Hook

The bike loft at the Smith-9th Street station designed by competition winner Jonathan Rule. The Forum for Urban Design announced the winner of its Red Hook bicycle plan competition Monday night, awarding top honors to Brooklyn native Jonathan Rule. The competition sought out ideas to make transit-poor Red Hook the city’s most bikeable neighborhood, asking […]

A Milwaukee Suburb Turns to Complete Streets to Spur Business

North Avenue in the Milwaukee suburb of Wauwatosa is in the final stages of a redesign. The safety improvements include curb extensions, shorter pedestrian crossings, green-painted bike lanes, and bike boxes. Dave Schlabowske at Urban Milwaukee calls the 16-block stretch through a neighborhood business district the most bike-friendly street in Wisconsin, outside of Madison. He says even before […]

This Week: Street Safety, Transit Experts, and a Trip to Albany

It’s a big week to get involved with neighborhood efforts to improve street safety: A community board in Bedford Stuyvesant will mull a 20 mph neighborhood speed zone, Brownsville residents will figure out where they want better walking and biking, and the Boerum Hill Association will host a traffic safety forum, followed by a Park Slope […]