DOT Rolls Out “Sustainable Streets” Plan


The DOT today released its "Sustainable Streets" plan, an outline for bringing "a green approach" to transportation in the city by implementing safer, more equitable "world class streets policies." Of course state lawmakers took away the most powerful tool in the box by rejecting congestion pricing, so the agency is out of necessity focusing on measures within the city’s control, like Bus Rapid Transit, bike lanes and installation of public plazas.

The report may be downloaded from the DOT web site. The "Benchmarks" section contains itemized lists of short- and long-term goals, including a couple of tantalizing bits about weekend bike-ped corridors and reducing car use in city parks.

Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan will preview the plan tonight at an invitation-only event. More details soon.


Sustainable Streets Take a Hit in Bloomberg Budget Plan [Updated]

Mayor Bloomberg released his budget proposal yesterday and, with a $4.93 billion deficit to deal with, there’s not much good news. Scanning the many gap-closing measures proposed for the Department of Transportation [start on page E-57 of this PDF], there are at least two significant developments for livable streets and sustainable transport — one bad […]

Sadik-Khan Introduces the New York City Model

DOT revealed its "Sustainable Streets" strategic plan last night, in the very same room where the New York City Streets Renaissance Campaign held its kick-off event a little more than two years ago. Once again, Streetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson was there. Here are excerpts from the presentation by Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, who says that, rather than […]

Jon Orcutt and Bruce Schaller Are Moving on From NYC DOT

Two key architects of change at NYC DOT are moving on after seven years with the agency. DOT Traffic and Planning Commissioner Bruce Schaller departed at the end of May, and DOT Policy Director Jon Orcutt announced on Twitter yesterday that he will be leaving next week. Orcutt and Schaller were two of former DOT chief […]

Paul Steely White and Brian Lehrer Analyze DOT Plan

With more on DOT’s Sustainable Streets plan, here’s Transportation Alternatives’ Paul Steely White on this morning’s Brian Lehrer Show. Over the course of the 17 minute clip, White and Lehrer discuss parking policy, bike commuting and Bus Rapid Transit. Don’t miss the Streetsblog plug. Also this morning, Lehrer hosted New York Times reporter John Broder […]

This Week: Will DOT Present a Bolder Plan for LIC Streets?

With Labor Day come and gone, community board meetings are starting to pick up again. On Thursday, Queens Community Board 2 will hear an update from DOT on the Long Island City/Hunters Point reconstruction project, which will rebuild the neighborhood’s streets for the first time in a century. So far DOT has failed to include major redesigns like a protected […]