Senate Moves Toward Pricing Vote

Liz Benjamin at the Daily Politics is reporting that Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno will call a floor vote on congestion pricing today:

Senators on both sides of aisle have received the heads up that the
majority is preparing to call a vote on congestion pricing, despite the
fact that both Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno and Minority Leader
Malcolm Smith have said they don’t have sufficient votes to pass the

This is a departure for Bruno, who has been trying to pin the blame
for the delay on Bloomberg’s pet project (not to mention its potential
demise) on Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, saying the Senate would not
move forward until Silver’s majority Democratic conference made a

Keep those phone calls coming.


Skelos Ascension Clouds Prospect of Pricing Revival

Yesterday, retiring New York State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno handed the reins to Deputy Leader Dean Skelos, Republican from Nassau County. Though some see this unforeseen development as an opportunity to move on much-needed reforms in Albany, it’s not great news for advocates of congestion pricing. If Governor Paterson looks to revive pricing via […]

It’s Alive. It’s Dead. It’s Three Men in a Room!

Erik Engquist at Crain’s says a potential deal is in the works that would nix Gov. Spitzer’s call for campaign finance reform and give Albany legislators a long-sought pay raise in return for congestion pricing approval. An Assembly Member that I spoke with this morning, however, says that congestion pricing is totally dead or, as […]

Senate Dems Denounce Bridge Tolls as Doomsday Draws Closer

Take it to the bank: 67 percent of households in Ruben Diaz, Sr.’s Bronx district are car-free. While the looming MTA doomsday scenario is desperate enough that Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has put forward a proposal to charge drivers roughly the same as transit riders to cross East and Harlem River bridges, Democrats over in […]

Congestion Pricing: Here’s the Deal

Below is a summary of the congestion pricing deal struck this afternoon by Governor Spitzer, Mayor Bloomberg, Assembly Speaker Silver and Senate Leader Bruno. The 17 member congestion pricing commission is made up as follows: 3 appointees — Mayor 3 appointees — Governor 3 appointees — City Council 3 appointees — State Senate majority leader […]

Congestion Pricing Bill, Take 3.

Liz Benjamin has the latest scoop on congestion pricing legislation in Albany: The third version of a bill dealing with congestion mitigation in the city was introduced yesterday in both houses of the state Legislature. The Assembly and Senate are scheduled to return to Albany Thursday to take up this new bill – and nothing […]