Sadik-Khan Set to Testify at City Hall

Streetsblog’s Ben Fried reports live from this morning’s City Council congestion pricing hearing: 

DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan is set to deliver testimony to the City Council Committee on State and Federal Legislation. Streetsblog got a copy of her prepared remarks, which include a few new pieces of information:

  • "The City is developing a way to obtain an EZPass via cash payment, so that option will not be limited to those with credit cards or bank accounts." Also, "the City is working on ways to ease the financial burden on low-income drivers."
  • The plan on the table requires only 25 cameras, compared to 300 that would have been necessary under the mayor’s plan.
  • "We agree that more revenue from Port Authority tolls should be devoted to mass transit in the city." But even without altering the current proposal, "two-thirds of Holland and Lincoln Tunnel drivers will pay some or all of the congestion pricing fee. Revenue from these drivers will amount to $45 million a year, or 10% of total gross congestion pricing revenues."

The commissioner’s remarks go on to address the Port Authority issue more fully:

There are still some questions to resolve on the issue of a greater Port Authority contribution to transit in New York. There is a legal issue with charging different prices to different groups of people, there is a political issue, because the Port Authority is a bi-state agency, and there is the policy question — can the Port Authority again support the MTA capital program? It participated in the first MTA rebuilding program, from 1982-1986.


DOT Capstone Report Looks Back, Offers Advice to Next Administration

Yesterday, DOT released “Sustainable Streets: 2013 and Beyond,” a 212-page report and accompanying website outlining the department’s achievements over the past six years and providing guidance for the next administration. Last night, Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan was joined by a panel of council members and New York Magazine architecture critic Justin Davidson for a discussion of the […]

Bloomberg: Expect Some Tweaks to Pricing Bill

This morning, the Mayor’s office praised the introduction of a congestion pricing bill in the State Assembly. At the end of the statement, Bloomberg drops a hint that the bill on the table is in for some fine-tuning: We look forward to working with the Assembly, the Senate, the Governor and the City Council to […]

Sadik-Khan and Congestion Pricing: Ready for Prime Time

 Janette Sadik-Khan has one week to go before taking over as the city’s new transportation commissioner. Not surprisingly, a public appearance Friday found her well prepared to push Mayor Bloomberg’s PlaNYC congestion pricing program. Pressed into service for the Regional Plan Association’s day-long 17th Annual Regional Assembly, held at the swank Waldorf-Astoria, Sadik-Khan served as […]

Pricing Hearing: Sadik-Khan and Aggarwala Explain the Details

Yesterday morning’s hearing at City Hall, which garnered much press today, gave Janette Sadik-Khan and Rohit Aggarwala the chance to clarify a number of misconceptions about congestion pricing in front of a sizable contingent of City Council members. As expected, one of the first points to come up was whether drivers from New Jersey will […]

Jessica is Lappin’ up the Congestion Pricing Anxiety

At a City Council transportation hearing yesterday Manhattan City Council Member Jessica Lappin expressed anxiety about the effects of congestion pricing on her Upper East Side district. The ill-informed Lappin, who clearly has not read Donald Shoup’s 750-page masterwork, The High Cost of Free Parking, asked DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan if the city would be […]

Shifting Gears at DOT

  DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan bicylcing to work during her first week on the job Crain’s New York reports that the earth is shaking below Dept. of Transportation headquarters at 40 Worth Street: Janette Sadik-Khan, the city’s new transportation commissioner, politely says she’s building on the foundation left by her predecessors. In fact, she is […]