Share Your Experience as a New York Bicycle Commuter

Attention New Yorkers who bike to work: Mathew Ides, a masters student at Hunter College Department of Urban Affairs & Planning, is surveying bike commuters in the city to see how they view the built environment. You can take the survey here. Ides has also set up a website, Hubs and Spokes, to provide more information about his research. Here’s what he has to say about his survey:

In a city that is dominated by the automobile I want to find out how its residents who use other modes of transportation actually view the built environment. While all forms of transit modes could be studied, I find that this small minority (0.5% of residents who commute by bike) would make for an interesting study. The sole purpose is to record the subjective perspective (mental image/imageability) New York City bicycle commuters have of the build environment, good or bad, through a survey. The survey is 23 questions and will take less than 10 minutes to complete.


Informed of Safety Benefits, Most NYC Voters Want Protected Bike Lanes

A poll released by Transportation Alternatives today [PDF] sheds some new light on how NYC voters feel about street redesigns and automated enforcement when the policies are framed in terms of safety benefits. Opinion polls by Marist, Quinnipiac, and the New York Times have consistently shown that New Yorkers support bike lanes by a large margin. […]