Congestion Pricing Populist Soundbite Contest

Why do Richard Brodsky and Walter McCaffrey  get to have all of the populist soundbite fun?

Last Friday, in a story about the Committee to Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free stepping up its lobbying efforts, the Daily Politics blog published this gem of a rallying cry from pro-congestion lobbyist Walter McCaffrey:

"You are in the driver’s seat. Put the brakes on congestion
pricing now before it goes to Albany.

Which means, of course, it’s time to launch the Congestion Pricing Populist Soundbite Contest. Paul White at Transportation Alternatives gets us started with the following:

"Diiiiing Dooong. You are in the subway seat. Tell your state legislator not to hold the doors on congestion pricing."

Here’s mine: 

"You are walking across the street. Put the brakes on congestion pricing opponents before one of them runs you over in his Buick Skylark."

I’m sure you can do better…