Pricing Recs to Include Residential Parking Permits

The Congestion Mitigation Commission will vote on a plan today at 3 p.m. A source who has seen the final draft of the Commission’s report tells me that it includes the following recommendations:

  • Congestion pricing revenue goes directly to the MTA.
  • A residential parking permit program with revenues going towards funding streetscape improvements and bike infrastructure.
  • Making 60th Street the northern boundary of the pricing zone rather than 86th Street as Mayor Bloomberg originally proposed.
  • A surcharge on taxis and black cars operating inside the pricing zone.


Critical Transportation Reforms Sink With Pricing

An enforcement camera in London captures a motorist in the bus lane. Mayor Bloomberg’s strategy was to bundle all of the PlanNYC transportation reforms requiring legislative approval into one bill. The sinking of the congestion pricing ship took other victims with it. Lost with congestion pricing was legislation approving bus lane enforcement cameras, residential parking […]

Brennan Introduces Alternative Pricing Bill in Assembly

Assemblyman Jim Brennan, a Democrat from Brooklyn, has introduced a new congestion pricing bill, according to a statement released by his office. The bill contains some elements lifted from Mayor Bloomberg’s original proposal, including: Re-instating the $4 intrazonal fee Exempting drivers who cross into Manhattan below 60th Street but only drive on the periphery If […]

Congestion Commission Recommendation: First Look

Streetsblog has gotten hold of the Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission recommendation, which should be voted on this hour. According to the version we have (pdf), the commission’s alternative to Mayor Bloomberg’s plan is expected to exceed the 6.3% VMT reduction required by the federal government, and raise an estimated $491 million per year for mass […]

Congestion Pricing Gets a Warm Reception in Manhattan

  Hundreds of Manhattanites braved an indoor congestion zone Thursday night, struggling to find a seat before the New York City Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission hearing. The packed forum attracted hundreds of spectators, leaving balcony-only seating in the Hunter College auditorium. Over eighty turned out to voice their support and concerns, prevailing over previous congestion […]

New Spin: Save the Mayor’s Congestion Plan by Modifying It

Congestion Mitigation Commission chairman Marc Shaw has a big job ahead of him. Newsflash from Crain’s New York: Congestion pricing is politically challenging: While I don’t think any Streetsblog reader will be shocked by that big scoop, there are still some interesting tidbits in here. The Traffic Mitigation Commission has a new mandate, Greg David […]