Street Memorial Riders Urge City Hall to Tame Traffic Now

On Sunday, January 6, over 200 people gathered to remember those killed by motor vehicles while biking and walking the streets of New York City in 2007. StreetFilms was there for the Street Memorial Project’s 3rd Annual Memorial Ride & Pedestrian Walk. So were the parents of 27-year-old Sam Hindy, who was killed trying to navigate the Manhattan Bridge by bike in November. During the event, Sam’s father, Brooklyn Brewery founder Steve Hindy, placed his son’s death in the larger culture of an American car culture gone out of control:

America is in love with the internal combustion engine. But cars, trucks and buses are killing and maiming pedestrians and bicyclists in New York City virtually every day. They are choking the street life of our city. Our thirst for fossil fuels is forcing us into horrible foreign adventures like the Iraq war.

In 2007, 23 bicyclists and over 100 pedestrians were killed by motor vehicles on New York City’s streets. City Room covered the event too.