Spitzer Basks in Fare Freeze Afterglow
Liz Benjamin at The Daily Politics has been posting to-the-minute developments surrounding this morning’s fare freeze announcement from Governor Spitzer.
Assemblyman Richard Brodsky says the move was a good first step, but that he wants other fare increases — including tolls — delayed as well.
“We welcome the governor’s intervention, but there’s been no change in
the Pataki policies that starved the MTA in the first place, so we’re
not quitting,” Brodsky said. “I’m not sure why they’re saving the case
fare and making unlimited users pay more…I think a lot of this is
unclear in terms of its impact on riders.”
Benjamin also notes the sudden nature of today’s presser, and how it may hinder — initially, at least — a solution agreeable to all parties.
Still, in a subsequent post, TDP finds Spitzer the recipient of more praise than he has enjoyed since the heady days following his inauguration (remember the "man crush"?).
Says Shelly Silver:
“Governor Spitzer and I, along with my Assembly Majority colleagues
from the metropolitan area, agree that the $2 fare should be saved. The
Governor this morning also acknowledged something that I have been
saying all along – that there is a need for additional state resources
for the MTA. I will continue to fight for those additional resources,
so that there is no added burden on straphangers.”
Now let’s hear it for mom and apple pie!