Senator Krueger “Extremely Disturbed” by Pricing Hearing Schedule
A constituent letter from State Senator Liz Krueger, representing the East Side and Midtown in the 26th District:
Dear Friend:
I am writing you because you have previously contacted me regarding Mayor Bloomberg’s PlaNYC and the Congestion Pricing Plan. I have just been informed that the New York City Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission has scheduled its Manhattan hearing for this Thursday, October 25th at 6PM. The Commission is charged with developing a plan for addressing congestion in Manhattan which will then be submitted to both the City Council and the State Legislature for approval or rejection.
The details are as follows:
New York City Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission Hearing
Thursday, October 25, 2007
6:00 PM
Hunter College – Kay Theatre
East 68th Street b/t Park and LexingtonI am extremely disturbed by the short notice provided for this hearing. I have discussed this issue with the members of the commission, and requested additional hearings be held in Manhattan with more adequate notice.
A copy of the hearing notice is available on my website at
/congestion_mitigation_hearing _notice.doc. While the form indicates that testimony must be submitted in advance, I have been informed that given the lack of advance notice regarding the hearing, testifiers can bring copies to the hearing rather than submitting them in advance, if you indicate on the form you will be bringing testimony. However, you do need to register if you plan to testify. Because of the short notice, I recommend submitting your reply to the Commission via fax to 718-482-6686 or by email to: commission_mitigation_commissi I urge you to join me at this hearing if possible, and to offer your opinions and suggestions regarding the best ways to address congestion in Manhattan.
Liz Krueger
State Senator
WWW.LIZKRUEGER.COM <http://www.LIZKRUEGER.COM>211 East 43rd Street, Suite #1300
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 490-9535
Fax: (212) 490-2151