“En-Suite” Parking, for the Discerning Antisocial Urbanite

Love the glamor and glitz of the city but looking to avoid unpleasant public spaces, like sidewalks and building lobbies? Then 200 Eleventh Avenue in Chelsea may be for you.

Featuring "New York’s first En-Suite Sky Garage," which will allow residents to enter and exit their apartments without coming into contact with another human soul, this 19-story high rise brings the isolationist paranoia of the suburbs straight to the heart of super-chic Manhattan. As demonstrated in the video, owners will be whisked via car elevator from ground level to their McMansions in the sky. Units start in the low millions, and include 300 square feet of automobile living space.

As for those stories of shady union-busting labor practices employed to build the tower, well, that’s for the little people to fuss over — like the members of Community Board 4, who rejected the car elevator before it was ultimately approved by city planners.


NYC’s Taxi Regulations Are Obsolete. How Should They Change?

The de Blasio administration’s proposed slowdown in new for-hire vehicle licenses for a one-year study period could be the opening move in a major rewrite of the rules governing the city’s taxi and livery industry. The current system is an anachronism, and a big overhaul could harmonize the city’s growing array of medallion taxis, green cabs, and Uber-type services in a way that lessens the […]

Senator Krueger “Extremely Disturbed” by Pricing Hearing Schedule

A constituent letter from State Senator Liz Krueger, representing the East Side and Midtown in the 26th District: Dear Friend: I am writing you because you have previously contacted me regarding Mayor Bloomberg’s PlaNYC and the Congestion Pricing Plan. I have just been informed that the New York City Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission has scheduled […]

DOT’s Missed Opportunity on the Manhattan Bridge

On Friday, Department of Transportation Commissioner Iris Weinshall stood up in front of 600 people at Borough President Stringer’s Transportation Policy Conference and said that her agency was serious about reducing car use in New York City. It was a great policy speech. Then on Sunday morning I flipped on the radio and heard that […]