Eyes on the Street: Inside the Stadium



Here are snapshots of the scoreboard at Yankee Stadium last Sunday. (The Yanks beat Toronto, 7-5.) Despite the perceived parking hardship, average attendance at the stadium has been 52,739 this season, an all-time record.

Naturally, this casts further doubt on the need for all those (all together now) publicly funded parking spaces — a project that has already caused actual hardship for South Bronx residents who, to add injury to injury, saw neighborhood park land poached and replaced (temporarily, at least) by a stinky plastic heat island.

Assuming the garages are built as planned, and prove as unprofitable as expected, will the scoreboard still "strongly suggest using public transportation"?


South Bronx Develops Into Yankee Stadium Parking Lot

Yesterday’s City Limits article on Yankee Stadium parking contains a link to an interactive Google map, developed by author Mathilde Piard, of the stadium site and its surroundings. Users can click on the shaded areas for descriptions of each parking garage or surface lot, including how many cars it can hold and when it will […]

Yankee Stadium Parking Boondoggle Getting Worse Every Day

The subsidy for the new Yankee Stadium’s 9,000 parking spaces keeps turning into a worse deal for New York City taxpayers. Juan Gonzalez reports in the Daily News that the garage operator is deep in the red, even after last year’s extended championship season: As of this month, Bronx Parking Development LLC owes the city […]

Fewer Seats But More Cars at Yankee Stadium

Anybody else catch the Discovery Channel’s 2-hour special on global warming on Sunday night?  It recapped the many problems we can expect to see from global warming: potential death for millions of people, millions more forced to move as coastal cities are permanently flooded, extinction for many species of plants and animals, more frequent severe weather […]

DOT Study Rejects Residential Parking Permits For Stadium Neighborhoods

The Department of Transportation has rejected neighborhood demands to implement residential parking permits around the Barclays Center and Yankee Stadium, according to a DOT report released last Friday. DOT cited the availability of on-street parking spaces during Yankee games, the large number of non-residents parking on the street for purposes other than visiting the stadium, […]

Take Me Out to the Yankees Parking Subsidy Hearing

As Streetsblog reported back in April, the city is set to subsidize thousands of parking spaces for the new Yankee Stadium by issuing hundreds of millions in tax-exempt bonds for parking deck construction. The Post reported this week that one of the four planned parking structures has been scuttled, but the rest remain on the […]