DC Could Mandate Bike Parking, Sort Of

While New York continues its on-again, off-again relationship with cyclists, Washington, DC is on the verge of requiring bike parking for commercial and residential development.

Examiner.com has the story:

The D.C. Council next week is expected to adopt legislation that could dramatically increase the number of parking spaces for bicyclists, a bill praised by the cycling community but criticized by property owners as oppressive overkill.

The measure mandates that all apartment buildings with more than eight units provide one bicycle parking space for every four residential units, demands that commercial landlords deliver enough bicycle parking to match at least 10 percent of the number of available automobile spaces, and requires the installation of bicycle racks at the Wilson Building for no less than 16 riders.

In response to protests from property owners, however, the bill’s sponsor, Council Member Tommy Wells, may make what seems like a major concession:

"If nobody in the building wants or needs bike parking, then we’re looking at an existing building not having to put in bike parking unless a resident requests it," Wells said of his possible amendment.

Addendum: As mentioned in the article, the bill would also bring about a report on bike parking at local government buildings, as well as one on bike parking plans for a new (presumably Major League) baseball stadium

And no, there haven’t been any developments (so far as we know) since, unbeknownst to yours truly, we blurbed this same article last week. That’s what I get for taking Friday afternoon off.

Photo of bikes outside DC’s Union Station: nocordsnowires/Flickr


D.C. to Establish Bike Parking Requirements

A Washington D.C. city council member has proposed legislation that would establish bike parking requirements for residential and commercial buildings. The Washington Examiner reports: The measure mandates that all apartment buildings with more than eight units provide one bicycle parking space for every four residential units, demands that commercial landlords deliver enough bicycle parking to […]

If You Build It With Less Parking, They Will Still Come

  We’re nearly a couple of weeks into baseball season, and fans of the Washington Nationals are enjoying their new transit-, bike- and pedestrian-friendly stadium. The DC complex, with its transit links, shuttle buses and valet bike parking, is so accessible — and city efforts to encourage fans to get there by alternate means so […]

Modernizing How People Pay to Park in Downtown DC

Washington, DC, is poised for big improvements to its performance parking program. Michael Perkins at Greater Greater Washington reports that ParkDC is set to expand “on some of downtown’s most in-demand blocks” in Gallery Place. By resetting meter prices every few months based on the rate of occupied curbside parking spaces, the new ParkDC zone could match […]