D.C. to Establish Bike Parking Requirements

A Washington D.C. city council member has proposed legislation that would establish bike parking requirements for residential and commercial buildings. The Washington Examiner reports:

The measure mandates that all apartment buildings with more than eight units provide one bicycle parking space for every four residential units, demands that commercial landlords deliver enough bicycle parking to match at least 10 percent of the number of available automobile spaces, and requires the installation of bicycle racks at the Wilson Building for no less than 16 riders.

"Secure and ample bike parking is certainly one of the barriers" to creating a more bicycle-friendly community, said Eric Gilliland, executive director of the Washington Area Bicyclists Association. "The more bike parking spaces, the better."

The measure’s provisions have sparked concern among commercial and residential property owners who fear the one-size-fits-all space mandates are onerous and will reduce already limited parking for vehicles, said Nicola Whiteman, vice president of government affairs with the D.C. Apartment and Office Building Association.


DC Could Mandate Bike Parking, Sort Of

While New York continues its on-again, off-again relationship with cyclists, Washington, DC is on the verge of requiring bike parking for commercial and residential development. Examiner.com has the story: The D.C. Council next week is expected to adopt legislation that could dramatically increase the number of parking spaces for bicyclists, a bill praised by the […]

City Planning Unveils Bike-Friendly Zoning Regs

The Department of City Planning revealed a zoning amendment today that would require new buildings to include space for secure bike parking. The lack of indoor parking is one of the biggest obstacles for would-be bike commuters, and the proposed zoning joins other initiatives to improve parking in existing office buildings. DCP’s amendment includes requirements […]

More Bike Parking News From City Council: 20,000 New Spaces on the Way

Intro 780 will require commercial parking facilities to add spaces for bikes — and signs announcing the availability of bike parking. Photo: 12th St David/Flickr. Somewhat lost amid the excitement over the Bicycle Access Bill, last week the City Council passed a second law that will significantly expand options for bike commuters looking for a […]

It’s Official: Bicycle Access Bill Signed Into Law

This was the scene at City Hall yesterday afternoon as Mayor Bloomberg put his signature on the Bicycle Access Bill. The mayor also signed Intro 780, which will increase the amount of bike parking in commercial garages and lots. Bill sponsors David Yassky (dark tie) and Oliver Koppell (red and navy stripes) were on hand, […]

How Much Would You Pay to Park Your Bike in an NYC Garage?

What’s a reasonable price for off-street bike parking? As New York City parking facilities start complying with the Bicycle Access to Garages Law, which took effect a little more than a month ago, the rates are looking pretty steep. This photo comes to us from reader BicyclesOnly, who says the $6 daily rate shown here […]