Meeting Tonight: Help Get More Bike Parking for SoHo

Bicycling advocates: On the agenda of this evening’s Manhattan Community Board 2 transportation committee meeting is a plan to expand bike parking in SoHo. It would be very helpful to have a handful of people who live, work and visit SoHo on hand to make sure the committee knows how important parking is for bicyclists. Here are the details:

Tuesday, September 11, 6:30 pm
Community Services Center
208 W. 13th St. bet. 7th & Greenwich

The bike parking issue is the last item on the agenda so it is probably safe to show up around 7:30 or 8:00 pm.


Expecting DOT Street Safety Projects to Deliver More Than the Minimum

A DOT plan to add painted bike lanes and sharrows to Spring Street [PDF] doesn’t go far enough to prioritize walking and biking, says Community Board 2 transportation vice-chair Maury Schott. Last Thursday, DOT presented the proposal to the CB 2 transportation committee. Two-thirds of the audience supported the plan, meeting attendees said, and neighborhood NIMBY […]

Mime Threat Overshadows Car-Free Prince Street Proposal

If you read the comments on the previous post, then you know something interesting is in the works for Prince Street. Next Tuesday, Community Board 2’s Transportation Committee will consider a proposal to turn a six-block stretch of Prince Street, from Lafayette to West Broadway, into a car-free zone on Sundays from 11am to 6pm. […]

DOT Proposes Solution to Houston Street Cycling Danger

In response to the deaths of three cyclists on Houston Street in two years and the ensuing community pressure to make the area safer for biking, the Department of Transportation is proposing to establish two new bike lanes along streets running parallel to traffic-heavy Houston Street. DOT’s plan seeks to transform Bleecker and Prince Streets […]

Tomorrow: Manhattan CB 2 Takes Up Ped Safety Fixes and Bike Corrals

The 2013 Streetsblog calendar kicks off with a slate of pedestrian safety measures and bike corrals up for discussion at Manhattan Community Board 2. The traffic and transportation committee will be considering safety improvements for the intersection of Sixth Avenue and Canal Street, as well as a package of sidewalk extensions, daylighting, and other upgrades […]