Conference: The Road to Energy Independence: New York City’s Alternative Transportation Future

The Center for Sustainable Energy convenes its 3rd Annual Conference on Alternative Vehicle Technology on the historic campus of Bronx Community College. Coinciding with the College’s 50th anniversary celebrations, the Conference brings the best of the past together with the technology of the present on our way to a sustainable energy future. The Road to Energy Independence is a gathering of alternative vehicle policy makers and stakeholders focused on getting energy efficient vehicles on New York City’s vast network of streets and highways. Concerns over energy security, climate change, economic development, and environmental justice make the time right for a new city alternative vehicle strategy. This conference will convene New York City’s alternative vehicle community to take stock of the progress made toward sustainable vehicular transport.


8:30 a.m. – Registration

9:00 a.m. – Introduction / Remarks / Keynote Address

Tria Case
, Executive Director, The Center for Sustainable Energy at Bronx Community College, The City University of New York

Carolyn G. Williams, Ph.D., President, Bronx Community College
Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, New York City Department of Transportation
The Honorable José E. Serrano, Member of Congress, 16th District of New York

Keynote Address
MaryAnn Wright, Chief Executive Officer Johnson Controls-Saft Vice President and General Manager Hybrid Systems Group Johnson Controls Inc.

10:00 a.m. – Session 1: Alternative Vehicle Technologies

What’s New Under the Hood: An overview of the technologies of alternative vehicles. What are they and how do they work?

Speaker: Rick Teebay, Chief of Fleet Management, Los Angeles County Panel Discussion
Moderator: Luis Calcagno, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, New York City Department of Transportation

Roger Slotkin, Odyne Corporation
Josh Lepage, Sales Manager, International Truck and Engine Corporation
Rick Teebay, Chief of Fleet Management, Los Angeles County

11:00 a.m. – Break

11:30 a.m. – Session 2: Policy Challenges and Incentives

How Fast, How Far: An overview of policies and opportunities for getting people behind the wheel of alternative vehicles?

Speaker: TBD

Panel Discussion: Getting Behind the Wheel and On the Road Moderator: Tom Lubas [invited], PANY&NJ and Chair, NYC Chapter, National Association of Feet Administrators

Peter Schenkman, Assistant Commissioner, New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission
Rachel Beckhardt of Environmental Defense

12:30 – 2:30 pm – Lunch with Facilitated Table Discussions / Case Studies / Awards 

Table Discussion
Topics Include:

  • How to get Hydrogen Vehicles in NYC
  • Facing the Unpleasant Facts on Energy Supply
  • Advanced Transportation Technology/Hybrids
  • Realities of Alternative Vehicle Maintenance
  • Legislative Hurdles and Regulatory Challenges
  • Meeting Expectations of Fleet Managers
  • Fleet Vehicle Leasing vs Buying
  • What’s new with CNG
  • Today’s Biofuels
  • All Electric Vehicles
  • Congestion Pricing
  • ….and much more


Case Studies
Ron Gulmi of Keyspan Energy on CNG
Steve Levy of Sprague Energy on Biodiesel

Award Ceremony
CSE presents Sustainable Pioneer Awards in the categories of private citizen, private business and public entity in recognition of their efforts in support of alternatives to the prevailing fossil fuel economy. Sustainable Energy Pioneers are recognized for their commitment and contributions to a sustainable energy future: parties whose work reduces our consumption of energy as it spurs economic activity and employment, reduces pollution, and lessens our dependency on imported energy.