Memorial Ride for Youth Killed While Cycling in Brooklyn and Queens


Join cyclists who will ride in honor of two New York City youths who have perished while riding their bikes. Luis Ramos, 18, was killed on June 23rd while he was biking to work on Flushing Avenue near Beaver Street. Carolina Hernandez, 13, was killed August 17th by a turning truck while crossing the street on her bike at the corner of 57th Avenue and Junction Boulevard.

Bicycle deaths are preventable. Bring flowers, love, and hope.


Another Very Bad Week to Ride a Bike in NYC

In the wake of this morning’s Midtown bike fatality, a correspondent reports: This week three cyclists have been killed or seriously injured in New York City. The first one was on Sunday in Brooklyn. A 10-year-old boy was killed while riding his bike home from his Little League championship game. On Tuesday afternoon another kid was struck and killed while […]

Memorial Ride for Carl Nacht and Derek Lake

Thursday, June 29, 6:30 p.m.Meet at the West Side Greenway at 42nd Street (in front of the Intrepid) Carl Nacht, 56, was killed by an NYPD tow truck making a right turnacross the West Side Greenway. Derek Lake, 23, was killed on Houston Street while trying to maneuver around a construction site. Come out and […]

The Sixth Annual Memorial Ride and Walk

On Sunday, the NYC Street Memorial Project held the 6th Annual Memorial Ride and Walk. According to the New York City Department of Transportation, 151 pedestrians and 18 bicyclists were killed on the streets of New York City in 2010. Participants called for stronger measures to reduce traffic fatalities. The ride culminated by installing a “Ghost […]