City Still Sending Mixed Signals on Bike Parking


A tipster sent us these photos of the City’s new indoor bicycle parking facility at 280 Broadway. A couple of months ago cyclists who work for the City suddenly found themselves and their bikes turned away from their office buildings, leaving few options aside from locking up to street signs and unprotected outdoor racks. This new facility, free to any City employee with a valid ID, should help commuters who work near City Hall.

Despite the new space at 280 Broadway, and promises of more to come, Streetsblog got word that a cycling commuter at the Health Department was recently escorted from the building by security and told to park elsewhere. Stay tuned.



City Building Opens New Indoor Bike Parking Facility

The city bureaucracy got it a little bit backwards, cracking down on bike commuting employees before actually offering them a new place to park their wheels. But this e-mail sent this morning to Dept. of Health employees working at 280 Broadway seems like a step in the right direction. From: Dept. of Health AnnouncementsSent: Tuesday, […]

Sneak Preview: More Queens Bike Lanes and Bike-Friendly Zoning

If only a zoning amendment could retroactively require the New York Times Building to provide bike parking. Some interesting nuggets are coming out of DOT bike coordinator Josh Benson’s ongoing Q & A with readers of the Times’ City Room blog. In yesterday’s installment, Benson outlined upcoming additions to the Queens bike network:  In Queens, […]

How Much Would You Pay to Park Your Bike in an NYC Garage?

What’s a reasonable price for off-street bike parking? As New York City parking facilities start complying with the Bicycle Access to Garages Law, which took effect a little more than a month ago, the rates are looking pretty steep. This photo comes to us from reader BicyclesOnly, who says the $6 daily rate shown here […]

An NYC First: On-Street Parking Spaces Replaced by Bike Racks

The new bike racks have been installed at the Bedford Avenue L subway station in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. As the Dept. of Transportation announces in today’s press release, "The facility marks the first time car parking spaces have been removed to accommodate bicycle parking in New York City." DOT extended a 76-foot section of the sidewalk […]