The Cars That Ate New York

Adam J. Schwartz, who has a really interesting looking exhibit up at the Brooklyn History Society called Up From Flames, sends along this rather intense photo of a bike crash in Bushwick. As one commenter noted after seeing the photo, "Looks like a faulty bicycle."

Another commenter replied, "Looks to me like a faulty traffic policy, like a city built for the benefit of cars, not people."

The young woman who had been riding the bike seemed to be OK, by the way.


Flatbush and Atlantic: Hellacious, Deadly, Likely to Get Worse

Yesterday Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn posted this photo of Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues, as seen at 8:45 a.m. "With Atlantic Yards’s 17,000 new residents, and an 18,000 seat arena in use approximately 220 days per year, this gridlock would be the good ol’ days," DDDB said. Without major changes it won’t get better for pedestrians […]

NJ Editor Blames Anyone But Drivers for Ped Deaths

Today on the Streetsblog Network, more windshield perspective from journalists, via WalkBike Jersey. Andy B, the blog’s author (and a frequent commenter on this site), writes about an Atlantic City newspaper editor who has come up with a bizarre theory about who is responsible for the rising tide of pedestrian deaths in the Garden State. […]

New Citi Bike Stickers Warn of Truck Blind Spots

With more than two million rides and only a handful of reported crashes, bike-share in New York appears to be putting together an impressive safety record. In London and Paris, fatal bike-share crashes, while very rare, have mostly involved large vehicles like buses and trucks. When Citi Bike launched, the “Bike Smart” brochure sent to all […]