Commish Benepe Gently Reminds “Parkies” to Drive Safely
For better and worse, the Parks Dept. seems to be popping up quite a bit lately. In July, Parks was spotted clipping locks and seizing bicycles in Forest Hills, Queens. And last week the agency revoked employee parking permits for Central Park’s East Drive. This week, a tipster sends along this Aug. 6 e-mail sent by Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe, pictured right, to Parks Dept. employees.
Dear Parkies,
We’re halfway through the summer and I know that you have been working hard to give New Yorkers a safe, clean and enjoyable experience at our parks, recreation centers, beaches and pools. Many Parkies have gone beyond the call of duty this summer. The lifeguards at Coney Island were recently faced with a dangerous situation and dealt with it in a professional manner, keeping beach goers and their fellow employees out of harm’s way while trying to save a life. Their actions and attitude set an inspirational example for all of us.
Many New Yorkers write to me about their experiences in parks and it is heartening to read about the great work you’re doing. However, I also occasionally receive complaints about the behavior of Parks employees. These complaints range from employees who are rude, to employees who yell and swear at Park patrons, to reckless drivers in Parks vehicles who may endanger pedestrians. We know that most of our employees are true professionals who are always polite.
That’s why I encourage you all to put your best face forward, even in trying situations. If you simply treat all our visitors the way you would want to be treated, everyone will have a great day in our parks.
Thank you,
Adrian Benepe, Commissioner
Photo: SuperEvilBrian on Flickr