StreetFilms Film Festival: Intersection Intervention

Come see many of your favorite StreetFilms on the big screen! This film fest features a 60-minute program including 13 StreetFilms and a reception afterward with free beer and pizza.

  • Physically Separated Bike Lanes (8:30)
  • Make Music New York (3:18)
  • Congestion Pricing (4:12)
  • T.A. Rides with Penalosa & Byrne (2:11)
  • Bike Link – Bike Parking Pennies Per Hour – from Berkeley (5:44)
  • Count Cars Entering Prospect Park Illegally  (2:46)
  • Festival Streets – from Portland (3:38)
  • Park Slope: One Way is the Wrong Way (5:13)
  • Clarence the Traffic Calming Sasquatch (3:07)
  • PARK(ing) Day – from San Francisco (6:20)
  • Intersection Repair (10:43)
  • Innovative Bike Signal – from Portland (1:37)
  • Tour de Brooklyn (3:25)



Making Streets Safer With On-Street Bike Parking

The corner of Smith Street and Sackett Street in Brooklyn had a problem. Drivers approaching the intersection from Sackett couldn’t get a clear view of Smith because of the parked cars blocking their line of sight. Crashes kept happening and local residents started pushing for safety improvements. After experimenting with a few options, NYC DOT […]

Streetfilms: The Case for Bicycle Boulevards in NYC

We’ve seen lots of new, innovative bikeway designs appear on New York City streets over the past few years. But there’s one very promising concept we haven’t seen — bicycle boulevards. Bicycle boulevard design uses a variety of techniques to create low-traffic, low-speed streets where cyclists mix comfortably with cars. They’re very popular in Portland […]

Streetfilms Portland Week: The High-Tech Bike Signal

Portland’s Innovative Bike SignalA Clarence Eckerson StreetfilmRunning time: 1:37Download: 5.91 MB Portland’s Office of Transportation goes the extra mile to accommodate cyclists. Rex Burkholder, a local elected official and the founder of the the Bicycle Transportation Alliance, shows off a high-tech, creatively engineered traffic signal for cyclists. Whenever a cyclist rolls atop a painted icon on […]

Cambridge: Britain’s Cycling Capital

In the city of Cambridge, just about an hour’s train ride north of London, you’ll find lots of people bicycling. In fact, the official bike mode share is 22 percent, but advocates believe it’s even higher and could comprise up to 50 percent of all trips in the city center. More than protected bike lanes, the key to Cambridge’s success has been the […]