Times Up! Video Night

Come out for a night with the Time’s Up! Video Collective and members from the Glass Bead Collective and Team Spider. Join us for video, food, surprises, and a Q and A afterwards.

August 2004 NYC Critical Mass on the eve of the RNC protests. Part 1 deals with the excessive police force used against cyclists and thetremendous outpouring of spontaneous free assembly in NYC seen on this historic night. This Glass Bead Collective documentary was released two weeks before the 2004 elections.

Some Assembly Required
March 2007 NYC Critical Mass. More than 30 cameras follow the first Critical Mass held under the new NYC parade permit rules that prohibit citizens from assembling in groups of more than 49 people without authorization from the NYPD. A Glass Bead and Time’s Up! Video production.

Critical Straphangers
Critical Mass takes a new twist, with the return of tall bikes, hot blondes chasing cops and zero tickets while through it all Team Spider is lost as usual!!!!!

Q and A with the Video Collective will follow the screening.


NYPD Has Spent $1.32M to Suppress a Monthly Bike Ride

Charles Komanoff, flanked by Marquez Claxton and Norman Siegel, at City Hall this morning. Time’s Up took its campaign for safe bicycling into the economic arena this morning with release of a report documenting the Bloomberg administration’s squandering of New Yorkers’ tax dollars in suppressing the Critical Mass bike rides. With the City Hall steps […]

Charges Dropped Against Mass Cyclist Assaulted by Cop

On Friday, charges were officially dismissed against Christopher Long, the Critical Mass cyclist who was slammed to the ground by NYPD Officer Patrick Pogan in July. After he was knocked off his bike, Long was charged with attempted assault, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. The official account of the incident, which was witnessed by dozens […]

Brooklyn Critical Mass

Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, (Prospect Park, North) and Bklyn End of Williamsburg Bridge Critical Mass Brooklyn Critical Mass is a monthly celebration of bicycles and other nonpolluting means of transportation, exercising our right to the road. Critical Mass is a movement, not an organization; no two riders participate for exactly the same reason. Brooklyn Critical […]

Critical Mass Brooklyn

Friday, September 8, 7 pm  Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, (Prospect Park, North) and Bklyn End of Williamsburg Bridge Critical Mass Brooklyn Critical Mass is a monthly celebration of bicycles and other nonpolluting means of transportation, exercising our right to the road. Critical Mass is a movement, not an organization; no two riders participate for exactly […]

Critical Mass Brooklyn

Friday, August 11, 2006, 7 pm Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, (Prospect Park, North) and Bklyn End of Williamsburg BridgeCritical Mass Brooklyn Critical Mass is a monthly celebration of bicycles and other nonpolluting means of transportation, exercising our right to the road. Critical Mass is a movement, not an organization; no two riders participate for exactly […]