Brooklyn Greenway Initiative Benefit

A personal note from Aaron Naparstek:

When I first met Brian McCormick, Milton Puryear and Meg Fellerath in the spring of 2002, they were picking up trash and planting tulips alongside a Brooklyn-Queens Expressway off-ramp in Cobble Hill. I asked them what they were up to and they told me that they were working to create a waterfront greenway for Brooklyn – a linear park running from Greenpoint to Red Hook. I didn’t have the heart to tell them that they looked like a gang of juvenile delinquents paying off 40 hours of community service for shop-lifting. Clearly, these people were either insane or visionary.

At the time, Brian, Milton and Meg had no serious funding, no office and no particularly powerful allies or sponsors. They just had a great idea and a ton of persistence. They kept picking up trash, planting flowers, organizing the community and pushing their idea and today the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative is a highly professional non-profit organization with capital funding from the federal government, an office on Columbia Street and all kinds of high-powered allies and sponsors. They may or may not be insane but they are definitely visionary.

BGI is hosting a benefit event on the beach. There will be cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, music. It should be really nice.

Personally, I think that the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative is the most exciting community-driven development project going right now in New York City (take that, Highline). If you are not already involved in the Greenway, this is a great chance to get in on the ground floor of shaping the future of Brooklyn’s waterfront and creating a more livable city. I hope you can attend this event and will consider suppporting BGI.


Brooklyn Greenway Initiative Benefit This Thursday

When I first met Brian McCormick, Milton Puryear and Meg Fellerath in the spring of 2002, they were picking up trash and planting tulips alongside a Brooklyn-Queens Expressway off-ramp in Cobble Hill. I asked them what they were up to and they told me they were working to create a waterfront greenway for Brooklyn — […]

Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway: Important Meeting Tonight

The Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway Inititiave is one of the most inspiring and visionary development projects going in New York City right now. The project is very grassroots. Over ten years ago, three Brooklyn residents, Brian McCormick, Milton Puryear and Meg Fellerath got it in their heads that Brooklyn’s waterfront should have a bike path and linear […]

Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway Comes to Life

The Brooklyn Greenway Initiative, a citizen-driven project that began with a handful of insane visionaries picking up trash and planting flowers beside a BQE off-ramp, is taking shape on Columbia Street. Notice the space for greenery between the sidewalk and the curb. Plans call for the park to connect Greenpoint to Red Hook. Photos: Clarence […]

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Brooklyn CB1 Approves Bike Path in Place of Parking

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