Lappin Describes Her Position as “Similar to Gov. Spitzer’s”

lappin.jpgA couple of weeks ago I nearly spit out my morning coffee over the front page of Metro NY when I read that my City Council member Jessica Lappin was opposed to Mayor Bloomberg’s congestion pricing plan. Dismissing residential parking permits as "a hunting license" Lappin said she was afraid of a "crush of cars" at the at the 86th Street boundary.

In the past, my group, the Upper Greenside, has worked with Lappin to bring new greenmarkets to our neighborhood as well as other environmental issues. Based on our conversations about traffic, she seemed very positive about the idea of congestion pricing. She once wrote a letter to former DOT commissioner Iris Weinshall at our request about the dangerous traffic congestion around the Queensboro Bridge.

Last Friday, while Mayor Bloomberg was testifying in front of the State Assembly about congestion pricing, I accompanied Ann Seligman from Environmental Defense on a visit to Lappin’s legislative office to advocate for the mayor’s plan. Lappin jumped in immediately, saying, "I support congestion pricing, I just have some tough questions about the details." She described her position as close to Governor Spitzer’s. She wants to see something happen but has some concerns over the plan’s details.

Lappin says that she (like many other City Council members) has not been able to get answers to her questions from the Mayor’s office (which, naturally, seems to be focused on the New York State Assembly right now). I suspect that if they give her some attention and get her some answers, she will go public with her position. She was optimistic that something would get done on congestion pricing this summer.

I was glad to hear that her position was generally pro-congestion pricing, but I’m still disappointed in her lack of leadership on this issue, especially when compared to Council Member Dan Garodnick who shares much of the Upper East Side with Lappin.

If you live in Lappin’s district, consider calling her office at (212) 535-5554 to give her a push in the right direction. Better yet, she’s hosting a town hall meeting this Thursday. I strongly encourage Livable Streets advocates to show up and and ask her and other elected officials about their positions on congestion pricing, bicycling and and other urban environmental issues.


Jessica is Lappin’ up the Congestion Pricing Anxiety

At a City Council transportation hearing yesterday Manhattan City Council Member Jessica Lappin expressed anxiety about the effects of congestion pricing on her Upper East Side district. The ill-informed Lappin, who clearly has not read Donald Shoup’s 750-page masterwork, The High Cost of Free Parking, asked DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan if the city would be […]

Council Member Lappin Calls for Citywide Street Safety Office

Jessica Lappin, the sponsor of new street safety legislation. Image: NY Real Estate Law Blog. In order to create a more tightly integrated public policy on safer streets, Council Member Jessica Lappin introduced legislation yesterday to create a new Office of Road Safety within the Department of Transportation. Lappin imagines the office creating a citywide […]

Jessica Lappin: Congestion Pricing Advocate

This recent constituent e-mail shows that Council Member Jessica Lappin’s lukewarm support for congestion pricing seems to have turned into full-fledged support now that the proposal has no chance of being implemented (taking a page out of Assemblywoman Joan Millman‘s book). In Lappin’s defense, she did vote for pricing when it came before the council. […]

Lappin Law Would Fine Bike Delivery Employers

  Upper East Side City Council Member Jessica Lappin has announced legislation that would make business owners responsible for cycling violations committed by their delivery workers. City Room has the scoop: Ms. Lappin, a Democrat who represents the Upper East Side, said she has regularly received complaints from constituents about unsafe conditions. A nine-year-old constituent, […]

86th Street: The Congestion Pricing Battle Line

The 86th Street border of Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed congestion pricing zone is emerging as the northern front of an increasingly intense political battle. Last week, Upper East Side City Council Member Jessica Lappin worried that congestion pricing would bring a "crush of cars circling around 86th Street looking for parking spots." Over on the West […]

Upper East Side Town Hall Meeting: Congestion Pricing

A town hall meeting entitled "ask your elected officials." We are told that this is expected to be dominated by discussions of congestion pricing. Expected attendees include: Manhattan Borough President Scott M. Stringer Councilwoman Jessica Lappin State Senator Liz Kruger Councilman Daniel R. Garodnick Sponsored by: East 79th Street Neighborhood Association Manhattan Community Board 8 Carnegie Hill […]