Manhattan Community Board 4 Selects a Street Design Option from the 9th Avenue Renaissance Report


Manhattan Community Board 4 is expected to vote on a motion to support the findings of CHEKPED’s / Ninth Avenue Renaissance’s Community Vision for Ninth Avenue (pdf) and adopt them as the official community vision. It will then become the base for the community input in the federally funded engineering study of Lincon Tunnel entrances with a particular focus on pedestrian safety and 9th Avenue. DOT and NYMTC have started to gather data for the study which will formally kick off in September. Community members will be fully included in the process.

The option for two moving lanes (Option C) came out as the least realistic, with a preferred ranking of third. The option with three moving lanes and only one parking lane (Option B) was most often chosen in second position. However every one agrees that any of the three avenue designs will deliver a healthier, pedestrian and business friendly environment. All of this and more is included in the report (pdf).