Panel: Mayor’s Plan for 2030: Exploring Implementation

New York New Visions presents: NYC2030 Green Issues

On Earth Day, April 22, the Mayor gave one of the most important speeches of his administration, laying out a coordinated challenge to deal with the preservation and growth issues facing New York over the next 25 years. You’ve heard about the proposals regarding congestion pricing, but not as much about the other 126 important initiatives regarding housing, open space, transportation, energy, water, air quality and climate change.

This event is the second in a cycle of three detailed presentation/ workshops, following a successful session on growth issues. Audience interaction will expand on this discussion.

The focus of this session is on Green Issues (Building Design and Water, Energy, Air Quality and Climate Change), and what we as design professionals can do to help refine and implement objectives and strategies.

Welcome/ Moderator

  • Ernest Hutton AICP Assoc AIA, Co-chair NYNV/ AIANY P&UD Committee


  • Randy Croxton FAIA, Croxton Collaborative
  • Scott Frank PE, JBB Associates
  • Jessica Strauss AIA, Arup, Co-Chair AIANY Committee on the Environment