Introducing Streetsblog Contributor John Kaehny

jk.jpgIf you noticed an increase in the quality, depth and number of my Streetsblog posts in recent weeks, it’s not because I suddenly got smarter or started working harder. Some of the savviest and most interesting items that we have published in recent days had my byline on them but were, in fact, ghost-written by John Kaehny, the former executive director of Transportation Alternatives.

Kaehny has worked on transportation and livable streets
policy for two decades, laying the groundwork for many of the policy changes currently underway in New York City. He is a great source of knowledge and
historical perspective on the issues we cover here. While I’m sad that I will no longer be slapping my name on his stories and looking like a genius because of it, the Streetsblog team is honored that John will now be listed as an official contributor.

Here are all of John Kaehny’s Streetsblog contributions to date:


Cuomo’s Office Opens Up Transpo Data, But Not Crash Locations

On Wednesday, Governor Cuomo announced a new raft of publicly-accessible data on the state’s data transparency website, Some of the data sets include information that was already accessible in different forms, while other sets are newly available to the public. The release also includes detailed information about individual crashes from the Department of Motor Vehicles, but […]

First Impressions of Mayor Bloomberg’s PlaNYC Testimony…

Did you watch Mayor Bloomberg’s congestion pricing testimony before the New York State legislature? If so, what did you think? Here is the initial impression of John Kaehny, former executive director of Transportation Alternatives:  Mayor Bloomberg’s advocacy for congestion pricing and public transit to a State assembly panel was the most amazing thing I have […]

NYC Bridge Tolls: The Solution That Won’t Go Away

Is 2010 the year of bridge tolls? Or will it be 2011 or 2012? If the editorial boards and political insiders are even half right, New York State appears to be back on the brink of an epic fiscal crisis. Lieutenant Governor Richard Ravitch said today that the state faces a deficit of $9 billion […]

Nobelist Krugman Joins Call for Federal Transportation Spending

For decades, groups like Build for America have made a strong case that transportation spending has to increase. They have rightly warned that the U.S. transportation network is falling apart, with bridges failing and transit systems lagging behind international competitors. But wars, tax cuts and social priorities have stymied increased investment. Now, as the country […]