After Pricing Proposal: Mayor’s Approval at Record High

One month after unveiling the specifics of PlaNYC in his Earth Day speech, amidst a public debate about his congestion pricing plan, the Mayor’s approval rating is near his record high. Crain’s New York reports:

A nearly record percentage of New York City voters continue to approve of the job Mayor Michael Bloomberg is doing, according to a new poll.

The mayor’s approval rating increased one point to 74% — just one point short of his January high of 75%, according to a Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday. Mr. Bloomberg’s approval rating had dipped to 73% in a March poll.


Critical Transportation Reforms Sink With Pricing

An enforcement camera in London captures a motorist in the bus lane. Mayor Bloomberg’s strategy was to bundle all of the PlanNYC transportation reforms requiring legislative approval into one bill. The sinking of the congestion pricing ship took other victims with it. Lost with congestion pricing was legislation approving bus lane enforcement cameras, residential parking […]

If Albany Lawmakers Don’t Go Back to Work, NYC Loses

Sounding frustrated, Mayor Bloomberg said in his radio address this weekend that it would be "absolutely ridiculous" for state lawmakers to leave hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funds to another city by rejecting New York City’s congestion pricing plan. Opponents of Mayor Bloomberg’s plan, like State Assembly Member Denny Farrell, a Democrat from Northern […]

Uncool New York: NYC Lags in Combatting Climate Change

Chris Smith has an outstanding story in this week’s New York Magazine pointing out that New York City has fallen behind other world cities in addressing climate change and challenging the Bloomberg Administration to do more. An excerpt: Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been cruising through his second term. At this point, with a gaudy approval […]

Let’s Hear About Mayor Bloomberg’s Transit Improvement Plan

Kevin Sheekey: Bring this man home to talk about the transit improvements congestion pricing will fund. Sixty Percent of New Yorkers support Mayor Bloomberg’s plan to impose a congestion pricing fee on traffic entering Manhattan’s Central Business District and spending the resulting money on transit improvements. According to the pollsters at Quinnipiac, that support hasn’t […]

Congestion Pricing Plan Advancing Rapidly

Sewell Chan at the New York Times’ Empire Zone has more on this morning’s meeting between Mayor Bloomberg, Governor Spitzer and US Dept. of Transportation secretary Mary Peters: Mr. Spitzer said at a news conference this morning, "There will always be some congestion and the good news is there is economic growth and there’s vitality […]