Auto-Free New York: Comparing Transport Strategies: PlaNYC 2030 vs. Auto-Free New York’s Plan

The monthly meeting of Auto-Free New York will include an open discussion of the transportation components of PlaNYC 2030 and Auto-Free New York’s Livable City Transport Plan. Read both plans and bring your comments!


At Flushing Commons, NYCEDC’s Fuzzy Math Superceded PlaNYC Goals

Yesterday, Streetsblog looked at Flushing Commons, a mixed-use development in the heart of transit-rich downtown Flushing, where the New York City Economic Development Corporation has mandated suburban levels of parking. We asked the EDC why they required nearly 1,600 spaces in the development, and now we have an answer. It’s a revealing look at how […]

Discussion: GreeNYC

Mayor Bloomberg has announced PlaNYC, a planning process for looking at New York’s next 25 years. If trends continue, the city may add almost one million new residents by the year 2030. The city is preparing a strategic plan to define how to deal with the implications of such dramatic growth. New York New Visions, […]

Discussion: MaintaiNYC

Mayor Bloomberg has announced PlaNYC, a planning process for looking at New York’s next 25 years. If trends continue, the city may add almost one million new residents by the year 2030. The city is preparing a strategic plan to define how to deal with the implications of such dramatic growth. New York New Visions, […]