Residential Parking Permits Spotted in PlaNYC Documents


Today’s Crain’s Insider reports:

Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s PlaNYC 2030 documents reveal the Bloomberg administration has dropped its opposition to residential permit parking, which allows only neighborhood residents to park during business hours. Plan documents say it could be introduced in areas that complain of commuters parking there to avoid the proposed $8 Manhattan congestion fee. Popular in other cities, it was blocked by transportation Commissioner Iris Weinshall despite pleas from Brooklyn Heights civic leaders and Councilman David Yassky. But Weinshall was succeeded last week by a new DOT chief, Janette Sadik-Khan, who may be more amenable to the idea.

Photo: jackszwergold/Flickr


Boston Endorses Parking Reform as Key Green Policy

An illustration of how Boston will make its transportation system greener. Image: City of Boston "Folks, you ain’t seen nothing yet," Mayor Bloomberg told an Earth Day crowd yesterday. "The best and greenest days are yet to come." The PlaNYC update coming in 2011, he implied, would have a slew of new initiatives to make […]

Transportation Tidbits in This Year’s PlaNYC Check-In

To mark Earth Day on Monday, the de Blasio administration released its first PlaNYC progress report [PDF], the latest annual check-in on the citywide sustainability plan released in 2007. The report includes a few facts about the city’s progress on its transportation goals: DOT’s PARK Smart program, which sets the price of on-street parking in response […]

At Flushing Commons, NYCEDC’s Fuzzy Math Superceded PlaNYC Goals

Yesterday, Streetsblog looked at Flushing Commons, a mixed-use development in the heart of transit-rich downtown Flushing, where the New York City Economic Development Corporation has mandated suburban levels of parking. We asked the EDC why they required nearly 1,600 spaces in the development, and now we have an answer. It’s a revealing look at how […]

Critical Transportation Reforms Sink With Pricing

An enforcement camera in London captures a motorist in the bus lane. Mayor Bloomberg’s strategy was to bundle all of the PlanNYC transportation reforms requiring legislative approval into one bill. The sinking of the congestion pricing ship took other victims with it. Lost with congestion pricing was legislation approving bus lane enforcement cameras, residential parking […]

Bloomberg, Burden, and Pinsky Vow to “Finish the Job” on PlaNYC

Please note: This was an April Fool’s Day post… Planning commissioner Amanda Burden and NYCEDC chief Seth Pinsky joined Mayor Bloomberg this morning at City Planning HQ to preview a major announcement scheduled for Earth Day, the third anniversary of the official launch of PlaNYC 2030. The mayor indicated that the city is preparing to […]

Help Wanted at DOT: Creative Thinkers Encouraged to Apply

Chairman of the City Council Transportation Committee, John C. Liu, praised outgoing DOT commissioner Iris Weinshall and called for an innovative thinker as her successor. You’ve already weighed in on what you’d like to see in the next DOT commissioner. Now members of the City Council and Transportation Alternatives have weighed in too, with a press conference […]