Will City Council Override Mayor’s Pedicab-Bill Veto?
Anticipating a vote in the City Council this afternoon to override the mayor’s veto of Intro 331-A, a bill to regulate pedicabs, a group of pedicab operators was demonstrating outside the American Museum of Natural History after Bloomberg’s big Earth Day speech.
Handing out leaflets with the numbers of swing councilmembers like Daniel Garodnick, the pedicabbers came up to members of the press leaving the museum and asked for help with media coverage of their issue. Periodically the demonstrators chanted: "We’re not in the way, we are the way!"
Members of the group said they fit perfectly with the sustainability plan the mayor had just outlined inside.
"I am zero emissions, that’s what I do," said Jesse White, a pedicabber who was leading chants. "Intro 331-A will shut us down."
Photo: Sarah Goodyear