City and State Pedestrian Safety Numbers Don’t Add Up

New York City Pedestrian Injuries, 2000 – 2005


When Streetsblog set-out to compare pedestrian safety in New York City and London we had an easy time finding detailed statistics from London’s transportation agency. Back home was a bit more challenging. For some reason the number of pedestrian crashes reported by the State Department of Motor Vehicles, the City Department of Transportation the and NYPD are completely different. This is a bit mysterious since everyone’s tally is based on the same police crash reports.

This matters because without reliable crash data there is no way to tell if things are getting better or worse, or if different enforcement or engineering strategies are working or failing. It’s also an argument for the DOT and police to post their monthly crash statistics on their websites and include them as indicators in the Mayor’s Management Report. If they can do it for crime, they can do it for motor vehicle crashes.


Rally at City Hall for Pedestrian Safety Legislation, 12:45 Today

The New York City Council’s Transportation and Technology in Government committees are conducting a joint hearing this afternoon on Council Member Vincent Gentile’s accident reporting and review bill, Introduction 567 of 2007. The legislation would require long-sought changes in the way that the NYPD and DOT report and investigate pedestrian injuries and fatalities: The New […]

Will Cuomo Spend Bike-Ped Funds on Bike-Ped Projects?

With MAP-21 taking effect today, city and state transportation advocates are calling on Governor Cuomo and the New York State Department of Transportation to devote all of its federal bike-ped funds to walking and cycling infrastructure. The coalition of just over 100 groups is also asking that the state make available millions of dollars, allocated as part […]

Streetfilms: Making Streets Safer for Seniors

Transportation Alternatives’ Safe Routes for Seniors campaign began in 2003 to encourage senior citizens to walk more by improving the pedestrian environment. Funded by the New York State Department of Health, it was a pioneering program to address the needs of elderly pedestrians. In 2008, New York City launched its own Safe Streets for Seniors […]

Traffic, Pedestrian Fatalities Rise in New Jersey

Newsday reports: Pedestrian fatalities rose about 8 percent in New Jersey last year, according to statistics released Thursday. The number of pedestrian fatalities as a percentage of total traffic fatalities rose slightly, from 21 percent to 22 percent. The statistics were provided by the Tri-State Transportation Campaign. In 2005, 156 of 747 New Jerseyans who […]