Discussion of Climate Change: Sir Nicholas Stern

Sir Nicholas Stern, former Chief Economist and Senior Vice-President of the World Bank, issued his 700-page report for the British government in October of 2006. The widely-discussed report outlines the effects of climate change on the world economy, in addition to recommending early action and suggesting guidelines for global policy.


Brit’s Liberal Dems Want to Ban Cars Fueled By Gasoline

Britain’s Liberal Democrat Party unveiled a detailed plan to tackle climate change which includes a ban on fossil fuel powered cars by 2040. The Guardian reports: The Liberal Democrat leader, Sir Menzies Campbell, and the party’s environment spokesman, Chris Huhne, unveiled the proposal today as part of a package of measures designed to make Britain […]

Lecture: The Unique Vulnerability of the N.Y. / N.J. Metropolitan Region to Hurricane Damage – A New Perspective Based on Recent Research

A lecture by Nicholas Coch of Queens College. This is part of the CUNY Climate Change Science Lecture Series and Exhibition on Governors Island. CUNY is proud to present its second annual science lecture series and science exhibition on Governors Island. The exhibition will be open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays, starting June […]

Making Climate Change Part of the Local Transpo Debate

As the leaders of the G-8 meet in L’Aquila, Italy, to discuss how to tackle climate change on the global level, we bring you a report from Streetsblog Network member GreenCityBlueLake about a victory on the local level in Ohio. It shows how advocacy organizations can reframe the debate over transportation spending so that addressing […]