Tonight: Help DOT Build a River-to-River Bike Connection

DOT wants 20th and 21st Streets to be Lower Manhattan’s prime river-to-river bike route.

If you are interested in contributing to the development and improvement of New York City’s bicycle network, show up at this meeting tonight:

The transportation committee of Manhattan Community Board 6 will hear a presentation by Josh Benson, the Department of Transportation’s Bicycle Program Director, regarding the river-to-river bike lane project for 20th and 21st Streets.

On 20th Street between First Avenue and the FDR Expressway (where Stuyvesant Town
and Peter Cooper Village annexed 21st Street), DOT will be removing a motor vehicle travel lane in each direction in order to stripe the bike lane and make the connection to the East River Greenway. You can be sure the Forces of Convenient Motoring will be there and they will not be happy about this one.

Come out, lend your support, and if it seems appropriate, give DOT a push to experiment with physically-separated bike lanes:

7:00 pm
NYU Medical Center
550 First Avenue
Classroom D


Details on East Side SBS Come Into Focus at CB 8 Meeting

We’ve got a few dispatches from last week’s Manhattan Community Board 8 meeting on East Side bus and bike improvements, which we couldn’t attend ourselves. First, Michael Auerbach, who’s doing some fantastic livable streets advocacy at Upper Green Side, filed a report for Second Ave Sagas about how Select Bus Service will function alongside the […]

At Long Last, DOT Proposes Bike Lanes for Upper Manhattan

Responding to years of citizen advocacy and a resolution from Manhattan Community Board 12, DOT has proposed bike lanes for a number of streets in Upper Manhattan. Most of the lanes, concentrated in Washington Heights [PDF], would be installed next year, after a consultation with CB 12 this fall. One would be protected by parked […]

DOT’s Astoria Park Safety Plan Calls for 3 Protected Bike Lanes

Last June, a hit-and-run driver killed 21-year-old Betty DiBiaso at the intersection of 19th Street and Ditmars Boulevard, next to Astoria Park. The loss of DiBiaso prompted a neighborhood-wide discussion about the need to improve street safety around one of Queens’ most visited parks, and on Tuesday night DOT showed Queens Community Board 2 its proposals for the area […]