Will “Crazy Technology” Thwart Climate Change?

Between automobile advertisements, ABC news reports on some far-out ideas to mitigate global climate change:

Crazy-sounding ideas for saving the planet are getting a serious look from top scientists, a sign of their fears about global warming and the desire for an insurance policy in case things get worse. How crazy?

There’s the man-made "volcano" that shoots gigatons of sulfur high into the air. The space "sun shade" made of trillions of little reflectors between Earth and sun, slightly lowering the planet’s temperature. The forest of ugly artificial "trees" that suck carbon dioxide out of the air. And the "Geritol solution" in which iron dust is dumped into the ocean.

Climate scientist Tom Wigley comments:

It’s the lesser of two evils here (the other being doing nothing). Whatever we do, there are bad consequences, but you have to judge the relative badness of all the consequences. 

And it doesn’t stop there. The Guardian reports on efforts by German
scientists to reduce the methane produced by cows:

According to scientific estimates, the methane gas produced by cows is
responsible for 4% of greenhouse gas emissions. And now, German scientists have invented a pill to cut bovine burping.

Photo: greenpeaceUK/Flickr


Uncool New York: NYC Lags in Combatting Climate Change

Chris Smith has an outstanding story in this week’s New York Magazine pointing out that New York City has fallen behind other world cities in addressing climate change and challenging the Bloomberg Administration to do more. An excerpt: Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been cruising through his second term. At this point, with a gaudy approval […]

Sydney Organizes World’s First Climate Change Blackout

Reported on Yahoo news: Australia’s largest city will be plunged into darkness for an hour on Saturday in an attempt at a world first blackout to raise awareness of global warming, organisers say. A successful switch-off could then be copied by major cities around the world in a drive to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions […]

State of California Sues Carmakers on Climate Change

If you think Eliot Spitzer picked some tough fights as Attorney General, check out this guy Lockyer in California: SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – California filed a global warming lawsuit on Wednesday against Ford Motor Co., General Motors Corp., Toyota Motor Corp. and three other automakers, charging that greenhouse gases from their vehicles have cost the state millions of dollars. […]

Brit’s Liberal Dems Want to Ban Cars Fueled By Gasoline

Britain’s Liberal Democrat Party unveiled a detailed plan to tackle climate change which includes a ban on fossil fuel powered cars by 2040. The Guardian reports: The Liberal Democrat leader, Sir Menzies Campbell, and the party’s environment spokesman, Chris Huhne, unveiled the proposal today as part of a package of measures designed to make Britain […]